From June 24th
1981 (the Feast Day of John the Baptist - The Forerunner of Christ)
to present, six visionaries in Medjugorje testify that the Blessed
Virgin Mary is appearing to them. There names are;
Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic, Ivan Dragicevic,
Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez, Jakov Colo and
Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti. Our
Lady of Medjugorje specifically chose these children (now adults) to
evangelize and convey messages. Although they have been greatly
blessed with these visions of Our Holy Mother they carry a difficult
burden preparing for a painful future for the world. They were not
asked if they wanted these apparitions, but they chose to accept
them, with the associated commitment, responsibility and suffering.


Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic |
Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic
Vicka was born on September 3,
1964 in Bijakovici. She was 16 years old when the apparitions
began, making her the oldest visionary. She is one of eight
children in her family and is described as strong-willed, full
of energy, courageous, outspoken, and fearless (1). |

Ivan Dragicevic |
Ivan Dragicevic
Ivan, born May 25, 1965, was
16-years-old when the apparitions began, and typical of a boy
his age, was not particularly pious. However, four days after
the first apparitions his mother found a rosary in his pants
pocket.2 The apparitions forged a complete change
in him. Ivan is one of the three visionaries who continue to
have daily apparitions and has been given nine secrets (2). |

Dragicevic-Soldo |
Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo
Mirjana was 16 years old at the
time the apparitions began (born on March 18, 1965). Her home
was in Sarajevo, where she lived with her parents, but she
would spend her summers in Medjugorje visiting her
grandparents who were from there. It was she, along with
Ivanka Ivankovic, on June 24, 1981, who first saw Our Lady (3). |

Ivankovic-Elez |
Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez
Ivanka is the youngest of the
girl visionaries. Born on June 21, 1966, she was 15 years old
when the apparitions began. Her father was away, working in
Germany. Ivanka’s mother had died in May 1981, a month before
the apparitions began. On June 24th, Ivanka was the first to
see Our Lady. She was also the first to speak to Her, which
happened on the following day, when Ivanka asked about her
mother, for whom she was still greatly grieving. Our Lady
responded by saying: “She is happy. She is with me” (4). |

Jakov Colo |
Jakov Colo
Jakov, the youngest visionary,
was only 10 years old when the apparitions began. His birthday
is March 16, 1971. When he was eight years old, his father
abandoned the family, of which he was the only child. He was
left an orphan at the age of 12 when his mother died. After
her death, he moved into the home of his uncle (5). |

Pavlocic-Lunetti |
Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti
Marija comes from a family of
eight, with three brothers and two sisters. She grew up at the
foot of Apparition Mountain, just down the road from Vicka’s
house. She was born on April 1, 1965, and was 16 when the
apparitions began. Marija is described in all the books of
Medjugorje as deeply spiritual, prayerful, meek, sensitive and
humble. |