Breaking News;
On January 19th, 2014 Vatican Insider Magazine reported that the Papal
Medjugorje Commission concluded favorable of the Marian Apparitions:
The findings
of the Papal Commission specifically target the three key
contentions espoused by the Bishop of Mostar (Bishop Ratko Peric),
who criticized the Medjugorje Apparitions on the grounds of being a
hoax, that the Visionaries were using tricks and the Apparitions
bore no fruit. The Papal Commission expressly opposed each of these
particular oppositions, citing that the Marian Apparitions are "no hoax",
there is "no proof of any tricks" and they exhibit "Spiritual fruits
in a significant way" (the ONLY criteria outlined in the Bible by
Jesus for discernment). The Vatican promptly removed all censorious,
negative and warning editorials from their website shortly after
this article. The only two remaining references to Medjugorje on the
Vatican's website are two favorable articles; one in Cardinal
Ruini's bio (1),
the second comparing Medjugorje to Lourdes (2).
In recent years, various articles, books and websites have been
introduced critical to our Holy Mother's apparitions in
Despite the Vatican forming an official
commission of inquiry investigating the Medjugorje phenomenon in
March of 2010, adversaries of Mary's messages could not resist the
temptation of preemptive assaults, casting stones at the
visionaries. Notwithstanding the Pharisee Gamaliel's
advice: "I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go!
For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.
But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you
will only find yourselves fighting against God"
(Acts 5:38).
Consider that immediately prior to the
Fatima miracle, witnesses reported how Catholic Priests from the
local Parish attempted to disperse the crowd, declaring the
apparition of Our Lady a hoax. When the people refused to leave, a
Priest attempted to physically pick up the children and carry them
away. The miracle of Fatima was one of
the greatest miracles of all time, for several reasons. It was witnessed by over
100,000 people, even as far as 32 miles away. All who witnessed it were
astonished by the spectacular demonstration of the miracle. Not only did they
see the fire of the sun detach itself and fall upon the earth, but they felt the
intense heat. The flooded grounds and their soaked clothes from the prior torrential
rain, dried up immediately before their eyes. Some
were up to their ankles in mud, then standing upon dry soil. Moreover, it was
the only miracle in the history of the world that God performed at a predicted time
and place. As the Holy Mother of God explained: "So that all may believe". |
who believed? The very next morning, the atheist communist Portuguese newspapers that had
been ridiculing the children for months, acknowledged the phenomenon as a miracle by God.
In contrast, it took a change of Bishops and thirteen long years before the Holy Roman Catholic Church
acknowledged the Miracle of the Sun to be of Divine origin. Up until that
point, it was an unapproved apparition, the same stigma levied against so
many other apparitions, such as Garabandal, Medjugorje, etc. Local
Parishioners described how previous to the
belated Church approval, Priests who supported the children were
transferred far away from the local Parishes. Some witnesses expressed
resentment for the years of pulpit reprimands, only to be followed over a dozen
years later by a short statement by the Church, that the Apparitions and Miracle
were "worthy of belief" (Fatima: "Meet the Witnesses", by
John M. Haffert). It is important to consider that when
Jesus walked the earth, He was likewise unapproved.
The question is: Who would have witnessed God's great
Miracle of the Sun, if the people listened as they were
being advised? How badly we behave in response to
great miracles, even back to the times when Moses parted
the sea. And yet, we incredulous people wonder why there
are so few miracles today. "And He did not many
mighty works there because of their unbelief"’ (Matt
Persecution of Holy people date back to the slaying of Abel, the
condemnation of Christ by the Chief Priests, the Stoning of Saint
Steven, to our present day. Consider how Saul, who was a good Jew,
held the coats of those stoning Saint Steven. It is an enigma as to
why some good people feel compelled to disparage some of the most
wonderful gifts of God, along with those who make these gifts
available to us. It is likely that those who condemned Padre Pio and
Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska felt just as confident they were doing the
right thing at the time. But, eventually discovered they were
Turning Back
One of
the most amazing Fruits are the numerous hopeless cases who
became Catholic Priests directly through the intercession of
Our Lady of Medjugorje. Father Donald Calloway was a
hopeless atheist drug dealer who was instantly transformed
into a fervent apostle of Christ through a book about
Medjugorje. Fr. Calloway will have you on the edge of your
seat as he candidly shares the amazing story of how he was
unexpectedly led into the Catholic Faith and to the priesthood
by God's grace and the intercession of Our Lady of Medjugorje.
His conversion can be compared to that of St. Augustine.
Formerly titled: Former Drug Dealer to Catholic Priesthood.
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